Monday 22 April 2013

How To Video Minecraft

fist go on this web site this should take you onto the download page click the one that is the little white box that says Download now

It should take 3-4 mints to load then an icon will pop up on your desk top that's called bandicam. C

lick into that a screen will pop up saying do you want the foiling program to make changes to your computer click yes.

Then click target button and do rectangle on screen then a little blue out lined box will appear go onto size select menu and make it full screen then it will turn into a little black strip place that at the top of your screen so it dousent get into the way you cant make your minecraft full screen when recording but it only films your minecraft.

also you can only use bandicam as 10 minit slots but then when your on about 9 minits 50 seconds just stop reckording then start agan straght away again then just stick them togever again using a movie maker or what ever your program is.

also when you go onto genral in the settings of bandicam it says output folder that's where your videos will save into i made a new folder on my desk top called minecaft videos :D.

To get sound go to control panel hardware and sound and click internal microphone. and go onto bandicam and go to video and settings then turn it into internal microphone. or you can...

buy a  headset so sound will come through I bought a $64 GAMING headset but if your not going to be doing heaps of videos and stuff like that you can get then from as little as $10 also you can try trade me for a good deal. So there you are my guide to videoing minecraft enjoy.

If you want to see it happen then hears a link onto youtube with a guy doing it he made the video first then i made some of it into the blog and some from my own experance if it wasn't for this guy making the video I never would of made this blog.

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